Canek joins Tim Kaine conversation with Alexandria West End Business Owners

Democrat Canek Aguirre participated in Senator Tim Kaine's conversation with Alexandria West End small business owners at Cameron Cafe.

ALXNow: Sen. Tim Kaine visits Cameron Station to chat with West End businesses
October 18, 2024

Sen. Tim Kaine (D) paid a visit to Cameron Cafe in Cameron Station yesterday for a talk with local business owners and local leaders.

City Council member Canek Aguirre, who also attended the meeting, said conversations focused on the diverse businesses throughout Alexandria’s West End. While much of the public attention focuses on Del Ray and Old Town, Alexandria’s West End is home to an eclectic range of businesses, from an acclaimed Ethiopian restaurant to an indoor climbing gym.

Aguirre said the conversation focused on issues affecting West End businesses, including inflation, workforce retention, access to capital, healthcare for employees and government contracting.

“It was a good conversation,” Aguirre said. “It was productive in hearing some of the legislation Sen. Kaine is trying to get forward and hearing from the local businesses.”

Read the full article here.